
Diesel Imports Decrease by 18 Percent in the Current Fiscal Year


Nepse trading

Diesel Imports Decrease by 18 Percent in the Current Fiscal Year

Diesel imports have decreased by 18 percent in the current fiscal year. According to the Customs Department, diesel imports dropped by NPR 12 billion between July and December, amounting to NPR 54.37 billion. Nepal Oil Corporation spokesperson Manoj Kumar Thakur stated that the decline in diesel consumption is due to sluggish economic activities, a slowdown in the construction sector, and the increasing use of electric vehicles.

The rise in electric vehicles and reduced load-shedding in urban areas have contributed to the decrease in diesel consumption. Indian trucks have also stopped refueling in Nepal.

Petrol imports have also declined by 5.2 percent, reaching NPR 32.15 billion. Experts attribute the drop in imports to reduced economic activity following the COVID-19 pandemic and lower diesel usage. The Nepal Truck Transport Entrepreneurs' Federation noted that the slowdown in construction projects has led to reduced use of trucks and freight vehicles.

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